Saturday, January 26, 2013

News & Gossip Week 2

This pic is from I DO NOT OWN THIS PIC!

American Idol
Yes I’m really loving American Idol it’s really entertaining but I just think the little cat fights that Nicki and Mariah be having are just hyped up too much! Her walk out just seemed so staged to me especially when Mariah said “ooh I told her I wanted to be the one to storm out” and Nicki said “shut the f up”. And Mariah was just calm about it, you know that would never happen because Mariah is tryna put the “a” in diva! Nicki’s outfits her too outrageous and crazy but that blonde wig don’t look that bad on her compared to the other wigs. The make up she has on looks like she auditioning too auditioning to be a corpse with that casket ready makeup she has on! Mariah looked really blah to me she barely had any make-up on! Even Randy Jackson had on more make-up then her and did y’all see Mariah putting that make-up on him? That gave me so much life! Mariah’s attire I didn’t pay too much attention too which is a bad thing because I love fashion! But Wendy Williams gon say Mariah needs to change up her look some more cuz when JLO was on there she had more of a versatile look every time you saw her! I didn’t watch it when JLO was a judge but she does have some great fashion let me just SAY IT! But Mariah is a legendary experienced singer and she may not dress as well as JLO but she can sing BETTER THAN HER! Let’s talk about the contestants that stood out to me! The girl with the crutches she sang and did not let that car accident mess up her chance to audition for American Idol! I really liked the lady with the little girl who’s boyfriend got into a car accident people like her really inspire me! The girl who auditioned before but got eliminated was great I KNOW she’s gonna go far! The guy who was anti-social really surprised he really can sing. I hope he becomes confident and comes out of his shell. The girl that was from New Orleans and song at a bar/restaurant! She had a lot of soul to be a blue eyed girl! And the most memorable one to me was the guy that song Maxwell Whatever Whatever Whatever that song is so incredible to me! That was my review of American Idol I’m gonna try to write down the names and descriptions of the contestants for my next review!

This pic is from  I DO NOT OWN THIS PIC!


Let me just say I had heard about this show and even watched like one or two episodes but today I got caught up in guess what a Scandal! The acting and writing in this show is EVERYTHING! Shonda Rimes let me just say you have a hit TV show! Shonda Rimes is the successful African American creator of the other hit TV show Grey’s Anatomy! But unlike Grey’s Anatomy Scandal is based on a true story which makes it even crazier! Let’s get into the latest episode! I’m gonna watch it as I review it so I don’t miss anything! It starts off with Olivia and Fitz telling her he didn’t kill Amanda. She says she doesn’t wanna talk about her because she feels hurt that he cheated on his mistress with his girlfriend. He surprisingly says it was just a slip up she was not his girlfriend and tells Olivia to NOT DARE say she’s a mistress. Then he tells her about this recording that got leaked. Then they start with the flashbacks some people really aren’t hear for it but I actually LOVE the flashbacks. It’s two years ago when they first started working together on his campaign. She says it looks like he doesn’t screw his wife and that they need to portray the lovey dovey husband and wife to secure the republican vote. And I was thinking the same thing him and his wife are very distant if I didn’t know any better I would think they were strangers. At first Fitz is mad and fires her but realizes she is exactly what his campaign needs. They show when Amanda was working with the Fitzgerald campaign then they show her dead in the morgue. The guy investigating gets on the phone to call his partner to tell her that they’re working late. Cyrus and Olivia talk to Fitz and Mellie about her distant they are. They have an argument about how she gave up everything to help support his career and he says don’t act like you don’t wanna be in the white house. He ends up saying you need to stop saying this isn’t a dead marriage. During his campaign they continue to do whatever they can to show that they are a couple in love. The other candidates are getting ticked off that they are losing votes to Fitzgerald. They would’ve won but allegations of Mellie having an affair surfaced and cost them votes. I just love how Columbus Short just showed up at that guy’s apartment and blackmailed him to stop the allegations of Mellie having an affair. Whew Harrison is to sexy! During a debate Fitz gets asked about his marriage and how distant they were and he says that “he is in love with an incredible woman”. The camera just focuses right on Olivia when he says that and you know he’s talking about her. They know they have feelings for each other especially in the scene when they are in the hallway for a second I thought they were about to kiss then his wife comes out! I knew she had to have known they had something going on. To help Fitz get the women’s vote Mellie claims that she had just had a miscarriage! She claims that the reason why they’ve been so distant with one another. Let me just say that I don’t like his wife she is so manipulative and vindictive. You can tell she was lying cause when she gave him a hug she said “let should take care of it”. They claim they have two other children but why don’t they ever show them? That’s so unrealistic. They show Olivia and Fitz having a conversation on the bus where Olivia says she’s sorry about his lost. He tells her how Mellie lied and that there was no miscarriage. He goes on to say how he doesn’t wanna complain about his wife and they START TO FLIRT! He tells her to say my name and she says that’s inappropriate and he replies well let’s be inappropriate! She calls him Fitz and they start holding hands! I KNEW they were gonna sleep together because you could cut the sexual tension with a knife. When he was telling her to go to her room I knew she wasn’t because she was hesitating too much! The love scene was everything it was hot with a capital H! As the love scene ends you can see that there is someone recording them. The recording gets delivered to this guy that I think killed Amanda! Fitz and Olivia listen to the recording and realize that it’s them! They wonder why someone would send this to Cyrus 2 years later and realize that they needed Amanda Tanner. Matthew goes to Sally with the recordings but she basically tells him to shove it and that she has just excepted Grant’s offer of becoming his VP. Fitz and Olivia together for their signature one minute and she starts to cry because she’s in love with him but they can’t be together. The ending made me mad the stupid journalist should’ve known better then to have that guy he’s accusing of murder in his apartment. I really hope he’s not dead! Can’t wait until next week!


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